What are the advantages over traditional vision boarding methods?

The Intuitive Vision Board (IVB) is essentially a creative, ‘big picture’ visioning exercise.  It’s is an immersive activity, designed to ignite the vitality of the individual by coaxing their aspirations for the future to the surface and picturing them on a large mount board. A place to return to when the outer circumstances of life are distracting and absorbing too much attention.

How is the Intuitive Vision Board used to build team cohesion?

The IVB is also a tool that can be used for forging team-cohesion and community-building. 

Not only does the collage of colourful images that appears on the vision board provide a point of focus for the creator.  When the IVB is shared with the rest of the team or community, conveys who they are, what they value the most, and what potential lies within them that might also be tapped by the group.  

Once seen in their fullness, the creator of the vision board is more likely to be inclined to bond further with the group, feel part of a winning team, and increase their sense of belonging to an organisation that cares.  

Team cohesion increases after making an Intuitive Vision Board together

The IVB disupts the mind’s interference

The images on the IVB represent the unexpressed dreams and aspirations of the vision board creator – some of which they’ll recognise and some will be entirely new. The difference between intuitive vision boarding versus a more traditional approach is that mine relies heavily on the intuition (not logic) for the selection of images.

A traditional vision board, on the other hand, is more like a goal-setting exercise.  It’s full of what we think we need, which the maker illustrates with words and pictures that depict the goals they have in mind for their career, love, home, holidays, etc.  It includes all the pre-loaded scripts of what we think we should think. Even when they describe these goals as emotional states to be attained, they have still been pre-determined.  While this may provide more clarity of thought in making a traditional vision board there is a major flaw. It leaves no room for spontaneity, originality or mystery to emerge on the vision board itself.  All is decreed beforehand by the thoughts that have preceded it. 

The IVB process disrupts this mind interference, pushing the pre-scripting into the background and bringing the unconscious genius (intuition) into the foreground.

Intuitive Vision boarding – a creative meditation

To create an intuitive vision board we must start with a clean slate, with no agenda in mind.  to unpack the deeepest and most powerful of insights, we must allow them to come to the fore in the form of images we feel drawn to by allowing our intuition, not logic, to take the lead.  For those who are not accustomed to using the intuitive, non-thinking mind, this may seem too vague or happenstance.  But the fact is that the people, places, activities we need the most can be brought to our stark attention when we allow the intuition to guide us.  This widens the field of possibility for the vision to include opportunities well-suited to the creator but previously off their radar.

The value of the IVB is not so general or wishy-washy however that it fails to fulfil its purpose. The intuitive board can provide solutions to contradictory or paradoxical questions for the individual that have been roaming around in the back of our minds without finding the answer such as:  “How do I leave the City job and still earn pots of money?” And questions for the team like: ” How do we initiate complex change with heart?”

Intuitive Vision boarding – an exercise in mindfulness

Making an Intuitive Vision Board is an exercise in deep mindfulness in which we connect to a greater intelligence through creative practice.  This takes us beyond the confines of the thinking mind to the unified field for the answers.

Even when the maker lacks clarity as to which direction to take next in their life, the act of intuitive visioning can help them attain clarity and show them the pathway forward.  

Even when the pathway as depicted on their IVB is not recognised or understood at first, the act of visualisation intuitively is enough to set the ball rolling.  The constellation of images will continue to work away subconsciously, steering and prompting the maker in the right direction for their achievement.  When synchronicities do occur, the creator is more likely to recognise them – as opportunities to be explored and acted upon rather than remain oblivious. 

The images on the Intuitive Vision Board are visual signposts, directing the creator towards their future vision until the timing is right for that vision to become real.

Intuition – an under-utilised resource

The intuitive ability is latent within everyone. It’s an under-utilised resource that few of us know how to use – or do so effectively.  As with any muscle, the more we use it the stronger it becomes and the more we can trust in the guidance received.  This only works when we quieten the controlling mind long enough to give the intuition a chance.  

Even so, intuitive visioning is not a linear pathway. It’s best to regard it as an exciting and joyful journey, full of surprises, the wisdom of which will become clear as the journey progresses. 

Unexpected magic and miracles do happen when we get out of our own way.  
Trust, patience and non-interference are the orders of the intuitive day. Einstein is quoted for saying:

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

Albert Einstein

Mary Nondé

BA Anthropology.  MA Somatic Arts Psychotherapy.  Feng Shui professional & Reiki Master (since 1995). Author of ‘Awaken Your Intuitive Vision’.

For Vision.  Culture. Transformation.

Human potential activist and positive growth alchemist.  I harness the power of the intuition to vision what a remarkable future looks like with my proprietary method the Intuitive Vision Board, with a bespoke version for teams and organisations called the Corporate Vision Teaming.  To promote its manifestation, we use Feng Shui – aligning the outer environment with the vision to create a life you love from a space you love.

To explore how the IVB could be used by your team, group or organisation, let’s have a chat. Call me on +44 (0) 782 7017188 to explore further. Or email me with your requirements. Try it and see what a difference it makes.

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